EBR Has A Superintendent

Weekdays 6am-9am

Patrick Martin from the school board discussed the recent unanimous decision to appoint Lamont Cole as the new school superintendent. The decision followed extensive deliberation and struggle among board members, who had differing opinions on the district’s needs. Despite occasional conflicts, they remained focused on the children’s best interests and ultimately chose Cole for his impressive resume and ability to unite people.

Cole’s background includes experience as a teacher, principal, and charter school administrator. His support from diverse members of the Metro Council highlighted his skills in navigating political differences and uniting people. His personal touch, such as writing 200 letters to students before a major test, was also noted.

Martin acknowledged the urgency brought by a letter from Dr. Brumley, which emphasized the need for the board to resolve their differences. Although the board was already aware of the need for action, Brumley’s letter underscored the importance of their decision.

The board also addressed the issue of Saint George, a community seeking its own independent school district. Cole’s involvement in a related lawsuit was due to his position as mayor pro tem, not personal opposition. The board aims to find common ground and work collaboratively with all stakeholders.

Additionally, the board voted to appoint Adam Smith as deputy superintendent, recognizing his dedication and skills. They plan to finalize Cole’s contract by next Thursday, focusing on salary and performance metrics for his first three years.

Overall, the board is optimistic about Cole’s leadership and the positive impact he will have on the district. They are committed to improving academic performance and addressing the needs of all students in Baton Rouge.